How photography people when you travel

portrait Photography people

Photography People in travel During my workshop often people tell me that they find difficult to take good portrait when they travel. So i will explore in this post how photography people when you are not at home. In fact, approaching strangers and asking to capture them, usually with a language barrier, can be a … Read more

Travel Photography Subjects

Group of Pilgrims, Karnataka, India

Travel Photography Subjects Travel photography is a popular subject among both amateur and professional photographers. Capturing beautiful landscapes, bustling cities, and cultural landmarks can be an exciting and rewarding experience. In this post, we’ll explore some of the best travel subjects to photograph. I’m not intent to telling you all you need to know to … Read more

Traveling photography equipment.

photography equipment, traveling equipment ,attrezzatura fotografica da viaggio,

Usually when come to choose traveling equipment everybody has their own choice. This depends from many factors and is really personal. When coming the day to leave you easily pack your clothing. But for your photo equipment maybe is not so easy to choose. So let’s start. START TO MAKE A LIST For me is … Read more

About responsible travel photography

Pilgrims, Gokarna, Karnataka,India, Incredible india, analog photography, shooting film, fine art photography, fine art, project, India, travel photography

Some thoughts and tips how not to alienate the locals. Therefore, i try to explain my responsible travel photography, ethics and values. I start to ask me if Is it ok to take photos of locals without their permission? And so How do local customs dictate what is and isn’t ok? How do I pluck … Read more

Photography and Zen

Photography zen

Creativity, art and philosophy: some words about zen photography!! There is something very attractive about the circle: it contains everything and yet it is empty. Indeed, it’s a rare characteristic: how everything has a beginning and an end, only that nobody will ever find them. Heraclitus wrote that they coincide in his treatise On Nature. … Read more


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